Amber Brubaker
Amber Brubaker


Amber Brubaker has been coaching alongside her father, Ron Garlinger, since 2004. The father-daughter duo has been leading the MVNU Cougars since the program’s inception in 2018. In their time together they have achieved numerous conference championships, district qualifiers, tournaments hosted, and many match victories. In the summer of 2022 Coach Brubaker completed and earned her USBC Silver Coaching certificate. 

Off the lanes Coach Brubaker is wife to Weston since April 2001 and mom to Benjamin (BB)  since August 2005. “Being a homeschool mom has been one of life’s greatest blessings. The time I’ve been able to spend one-on-one with BB is something I’ll treasure forever.” 

For many years, Coach Brubaker was active alongside her family while her son worked toward becoming an Eagle Scout. With that goal accomplished and scouts now behind them, the family is looking for new adventures.